Good Laptop Posture

Since I switched to a laptop from a desktop computer, my productivity has increased. But, working from a laptop greatly increased the risk of bad posture for me. Today, I’ll solely talk about the two main posture issues I fixed from working on a laptop.

blog post cover for Good Laptop Posture

The ability to take our laptop with us and work anywhere in the world is incredibly convenient. This article doesn’t necessarily talk about using a laptop during travel. I completely understand the value of being able to work away from the home office. The human body is very resilient. We can withstand poor posture positions for small amounts of time. We get in trouble with posture when we try to fight through these poor positions for long periods of time on a daily basis.

This article will talk about how to use good posture on a laptop while working in an office or home office. In other words, this article applies to any permanent location that we work on our laptop for long periods of time, where we have the ability to make a couple small changes to our ergonomic setup.

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Dear desk jockeys, (an open letter)

Dear desk jockeys,

We sit at a computer desk 40+ hours per week. The human body wasn’t designed to do that. It actually wasn’t designed to be in ANY one (same) position that long. It’s only going to cause massive pain and dysfunction in our bodies. 

As desk jockeys, it’s not our fault. But, it IS our responsibility to adapt, change, and heal.

Many years ago, it was a fascinating new concept to sit at a computer desk and make a living. People realized they could pay for a house, cars, all their bills while not even getting out of their chair. They realized they hardly had to move at work anymore. Work was going to be great and life was going to change tremendously. They were right about one of those.

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